简介 | Introduction









Our Vision

Preparing future workers for Christ from among the Chinese students.

In recent decades, North America has seen a flood of top-notched students, post-doctorates, and scholars from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, as well as other southeast Asian countries. They are the best in their fields, and will be future leaders after they finish their studies whether they remain here or return home. Most of them have never had any exposure to the Gospel. Many have grown up in an atheistic society, where Christianity has been regarded as the opiate of the oppressed.

The vision of Campus Evangelistic Fellowship (CEF) is to reach out to these Chinese students on campus. Our goal is to love, care for, share the gospel with, and ultimately disciple them to be future Christian leaders.

Our Ministry

Because the cultural and social backgrounds of these highly intelligent students are quite different from those of most churched people in the United States, our approach is multifaceted in nature. CEF attempts to address the intellectual cultural, emotional, as well as the spiritual dimensions of their lives. The diverse ministries we offer include personal evangelism, regular weekly meetings, personal support, discipleship, special activities on each campus, and an annual combined fall retreat/gospel camp.

The programs of our weekly meetings differ from the traditional Christian fellowship in that we approach subject matters from a "pre-evangelical" viewpoint. While studying the Bible, and discussing theology we address the underlying issues without being hindered by obscuring, Christian jargon. Some of the topics we cover in our lectures and discussion sessions include: science vs. faith, evolution, civilizations, history, social issues and personal values and struggles.

This is an on-campus ministry, reaching out to people who may have a distaste for, or misconception about churches and Christianity. We seek to be bridges of understanding and to rectify misunderstandings, easing the transition of students to be fruitful members of local churches.